Last week I was one of the artists with
Merging Inks, a collective of arts folk brought together by Roxanne Williams of
Crazivity. Merging inks is a Live Art show sponsored by O2, Think Big and SomewhereTo. After each 40 minute set artists swapped canvases to create collaborative works with each other and transform one anothers work. I got a chance to alter a life drawing from male to female and add some heavy colour and pattern onto a portrait! The night was a great experience for all those involved and I look forward to doing the next one!
Merging Inks put on a great night with lots of people attending to watch the artists at work, there were also market stalls with art for sale, and a great mix of music to paint in time with. The finished pieces are now for sale as originals, with proceeds going to each
artist involved, and you can also buy them from Merging Inks as prints. For more of my original art work and commissions please see
Ahhh! My name on a big screen on the night! |