
London Cityscape Murals - British Airways Commissions

For further details on ordering London Landscape artwork see my main art website

Mural for Winter Olympic Function in 2010 at District 319 Vancouver, Commissioned by IMG Media for British Airways. This is the first of two London Cityscape Murals on a large free hanging canvas 7m by 2m, this piece was shipped to Vancouver for a function with British Airways.

Close up of the Artwork - Painted Mural Cityscape work featuring London Icons such as Big Ben, The London Eye, Picadilly Circus, Tower bridge, The millenium dome, black cabs, red phone boxes, and double decker buses. Painting pieces of various parts of the London city skyline to almagamate into one gigantic scene which encompasses the feel of the whole city.

Following the success of this London Mural a second piece of artwork was commissioned by British Airways for their head office at Waterside in London for the British Airways HQ Reception Desk Area. This time the project was aimed to include the airline colours with a more corporate design and feel to the cityscape. Here is the final design and the enlarged installed mural work.

Painted Freehand Final Design: (Click on images to enlarge)

Enlarged to fit the scale of the office area:

Following these two London cityscape mural projects I was featured in the BA Internal Magazine
'Up in the Air'. Here is a clip from the feature:

After this London Painting commission I was asked to write a blog for Debut Contemporary gallery in Notting Hill, London about my involvement in the project. More details about this special commission was featured on their website:

I am particularly interested in large mural commissions of this kind as it allows me to work as big as I can. This piece was entirely my own design working to a brief set by British Airways and IMG Media to ship to Vancouver to 'Welcome guests to London' in an event to promote the London 2012 olympics. It was a great success and many future projects and commissions for London Paintings came through after my work had been seen in such a unique environment. I welcome more projects of cityscapes, murals and large scale painting work and believe I can fit my style and size to any brief set, creating a piece of work tailored to suit the individual or company.

Paintings for Sale

Two paintings above are currently in stock and for sale, please drop me a line if you are interested. They are large free hanging canvases, with a top and bottom baton included - ready to hang. Black and white acrylics and emulsion paint from female imagery from a google search.